Why is EE so expensive? Explained

Despite being the largest network in the UK, EE is consistently ranked the most expensive provider, year after year.
Our research has shown EE offers the least amount of data for your money with nearly all of their tariffs and contracts.
Furthermore, consumers have noticed - a survey conducted in 2012 revealed 87% of Brits believe EE to be overpriced when compared to other network contracts.
Therefore, it may be surprising to hear EE has over 26 million subscribers, with the largest customer market share in the UK.
There are several reasons as to why consumers consistently choose EE, despite the high prices compared to other networks:
- Largest 5G network in the UK, with the most coverage
- Consistently has the fastest download speeds in independent tests
- Exceptional reliability with little downtime
- Best-in-class customer support with UK only call centres
- Established brand with a good reputation
- Rewards and extras, such as Smart Benefits
Essentially, you get what you pay for with EE.
An example and comparison
To give you an example of how expensive EE are, let’s take a look at the following EE tariff:
- Unlimited data
- 1 month contract
- £34 per month
Now let’s look at an identical tariff offered by iD Mobile:
- Unlimited data
- 1 month contract
- £17 per month
As you can see, EE is double the price compared to iD Mobile, despite offering the same unlimited data on a 1 month contract.
You’re paying for customer service, reliability and the fastest 5G network
EE is expensive because they offer the best all-round service, with focus on quality and reliability.
EE is consistently ranked the fastest network in the UK, with the best coverage and largest 5G network.
All EE call centres are located across the UK, within Darlington, Doxford, North Tyneside, Merthyr, Greenock and Plymouth. Many other networks are able to reduce costs by offloading their call centres abroad, or by only offering online chat support.
Furthemore, a recent report from Ofcom revealed 92% of EE customers were satisfied with the overall service they received. In addition, Ofcom received just 6 complaints per 100,000 customers - only beaten by Tesco Mobile, with 3 complaints per 100,000 customers.
High operational costs

In order to remain the fastest 5G network, with great coverage and reliability to match, EE has invested billions in their infrastructure in recent years.
EE claims to deliver 5G in more cities than any other UK network. Furthermore, studies have shown EE is consistently the fastest network, with average download speeds of 66.23 Mbps - more than double their closest rival (Three).
In late 2022, EE announced that they added an additional 150 locations for 5G, cementing their status as the best network for 5G coverage. Currently, EE’s 5G network reaches over 50% of the UK’s population.
EE has also invested significant amounts of money in converting their old 3G and 4G infrastructure to 5G towers and transmitters.
Established brand and reputation

EE is one of the UK’s most recognisable brands, with more money invested in advertising compared to any other networks.
Since 2012, EE have spent millions on a major advertising campaign featuring the American actor Kevin Bacon.
As a result, consumers have a very high awareness of EE, and are willing to spend more for a brand they believe are reputable and genuine.
Customers have stayed despite price increases
EE was formed following a merge between T-Mobile and Orange in 2010. As a result, all T-Mobile and Orange customers were transferred to EE plans during the transition.
Due to the potential hassle and disruption involved, research has shown consumers do not tend to switch networks often, even in the face of price increases.
Therefore, EE has no reason to lower their prices, as most customers will stay, despite being the most expensive network in the UK.
Furthermore, customers have chosen to stick with EE, thanks to a fast, reliable service across all plans and contracts. The level of service offered by EE outweighs the premium cost.
Ofcom have made strides in recent years to make it easy for consumers to switch networks and transfer their number.
Why is EE so expensive?
EE charge more for their contracts and tariffs as they consistently deliver a high quality service. Essentially, you get what you pay for:
- Largest 5G network in the UK, with the most coverage
- Consistently has the fastest download speeds in independent tests
- Exceptional reliability with little downtime
- Best-in-class customer support with UK only call centres
- Established brand with a good reputation
- Rewards and extras, such as Smart Benefits
Will EE increase their prices?
EE increases their prices every month with CPI (currently 3.9%). For older contracts, EE uses RPI to calculate price increases.
Can I switch to a less expensive network?
Absolutely. Switching networks is easy. You can compare cheaper phone deals and SIM only deals from all the other major UK networks by using our comparison service.